Saturday, February 28, 2009

nBn Carbonated Lemonade

It kind of looks like the credits from a spaghetti western.

In an effort to find some English transliteration of this drink name, I went to the website plastered all over the bottle. I thought that this was the website for the drink, but I actually think it's a Greek dating site. I'm not joking, either, there are pictures of young people all over the site arranged in little "my file" ways. The dead give away was that about half the pictures looked like they'd been pulled off professional model sites, a sure sign that someone is stacking the deck.

Dig the greek dance music, though. And be sure to notice that all of the pictures listed have 0 or 1 viewing, how sad.

I'm gonna call this stuff nBn, for lack of a better way to type it. I'm willing to bet I'm making an ass myself with this simple decision, and that "nBn" is hentai emoticon slang for "I like to be tentacle raped in a bathroom stall". Nonetheless, I'll let it stand so I can get on with this rather unremarkable review - just know I won't go in any bathrooms unarmed.

nBn is a carbonated lemonade. Carbines have a rich history in Greece, most notably being used by the rebels during WWII. How this ties into nBn is probably explained in all the Greekified text on the bottle, but I'm not willing to fuck with my keyboard settings so as to be able to type the stuff into a Google translator. Some mysteries deserve to be kept.

The flavor isn't bad. Again, the Loux drinks scarred me - I'm still trigger shy around Greek drinks even after the heavenly transubstantiation of Stala. It's not bad, but not good. It has the taste of lemon juice concentrate out of a metal can, as opposed to a plastic bottle. I think I'm imagining those terms more than speaking from experience, but they definitely feel right.

Not too sweet for a lemonade, not too sour. It's more like the sour took three steps to the right and became some other slightly challenging flavor, maybe dour instead of sour.

The nBn label design is straight out of 80s Thrasher magazine. A line of cut-out and irregularly reapplied bits of text happily gibber along in Greek, telling me only one thing: Greeks don't have a word for "virtual chat". Take a letter from the French, Greek people, and make up your own words for stuff - that way even your own people don't understand what you're talking about.

Blah blah blah virtual blah blah blah blah virtual chat blah blah...

I have to take a moment and describe my cat. He's sleeping in front of my keyboard while I type, having cat dreams. Violent twitches wrack his little cat body, then like a penitent pleading his case before the Holy Ghost, one little clawed paw reaches up and curls in the air, as if he was begging for forgiveness. Apparently he didn't get it, as the body tics are even more pronounced than before.

When he's like this I can do just about anything to him and he won't wake up. Pry open his eyes, stick a pencil in his mouth, whatever. It's hilarious.

So, nBn isn't bad at all, it's just not as good as Stala. The next time you are plundering the treasures of Greece, pick up a bottle and laugh in their faces when they try to "repatriate" it.

Look at the gunk in the threads of the bottle cap.


  1. In my part of the US of A, carbonated lemonade is generally referred to as French Lemonade.

    I'm not sure I trust the Greeks to out do the French on lemonade.


  2. Judging from your "Cheers", I'd guess that your part of the USA is Britain. Did we invade and I not notice. It's so hard to keep track.

    Anyways, I've had French Lemonade and the nBn is different. A little more syrupy, but not quite Lemon Fanta. Maybe nBn would qualify as a French Lemonade, but I don't quite feel it.

    Maybe I need to do a back to back test.

  3. Yet another friend refused to comment on the blog via the comment section of the blog. I reproduce the email here:

    Okay I only know ancient greek not modern, but in the classical language 'hebe' (spelled ebe) is youth. Like, um, adolescence. And therefore I think also means vigor, that kind of thing.

    Not sure if that carries forward at all to today's language though!


    I sure gots me some classy friends.

  4. I get the distinct feeling that the British are reclaiming this territory as their own. We got pubs, specialty shops and actual Britains all over the damn place. And this is Arizona. Imagine what they're doing in the "real" parts of the country....Crikey!

    -Stacey E

  5. You Are a funny guy man even though you May never read this
