Friday, April 10, 2009

Yes, most Mexican Coke has corn syrup in it

So this site linked to one of my posts, a commenter mentioned the rumor that Mexican Coke is now made with corn syrup. I'd like to confirm that rumor, most of the Mexican Coke I've seen over the past seven or eight months is, indeed, made with corn syrup. And beware of the sugared Mexican Coke anyways, it was one of those that set out to wreck my bike and kill me.


  1. I am sorry to say that over the course of two days I have spent nearly two hours reading your blog. Why am I sorry? Not because of the actual blog. While I am a soda monogamist (due to convenience; much like my love life) I am really intrigued by your well-written reviews. While working at a concessions counter at a movie theatre in my early twenties I was told by a customer that I should go into marketing because of how I described Fruitopia: "Like flat pop, but sweeter." The customer was being sarcastic. If only I had your eloquence. You could have been my Cyrano and I would have made the sale. I was working on commission. I am pondering the idea of running to 7-Eleven and starting a new chapter in my life. Thank you!

  2. Maybe it's the proximity to Mexico, but every bottle of Coke I've looked at still only contains sugar. Got mine from Dollar General, of all places.

  3. Anonymous 1: I'm glad someone reads the blog. I wasn't even sure if anyone was writing it. And Fruitopia... I had a brief fling with that stuff, I'm pretty sure that it was a drink that started out high quality and then went totally to shit after people started buying it.

    Anon 2: That's good news, sort of. I wish I was closer to Mexico. I've been checking all the Mexican Coke and Pepsi bottles I've seen since writing this entry and haven't found a single non-HFCS. Bah.

  4. Anon 1 again. Have you ever tried Cocina? I drank it in Bolivia and it was amazing. It actually contains coca. I imagine that it is not widely available because of that, but next time you're in LaPaz you should check it out.

  5. Hey, when are you posting a new blog entry?

  6. This blog is quite possibly the reason the Internet was invented. I found you via the Metafilter link. I am now subscribing via RSS.

  7. While I'm flattered, I think you sell the internet short. I'd recommend you type "free pornography" into your google search bar and discover the true purpose of this vast computer network.

  8. Based on my readings of some websites based in Mexico, FEMSA the largest bottler in Mexico, is likely making a blend of HFCS and cane sugar coke. I would figure about 60/40. I even found evidence of this in FEMSA's annual report. The exact figures are hard to calculate, but for economic reasons it makes sense for the Mexicans to use a blend. Look up "jarabe de alta fructosa" and coca-cola in google. That may explain why it still tastes better than US coke, but is not as good as Mexican coke used to be. Note: there may be some bottlers who don't belong to FEMSA (a small amount) that still produce pure cane sugar coke. Galco's in Eagle Rock, CA for instance sells a bottled coke from Morelos province Mexico that seems to be better than the Mexicali or Tijuana cokes that it also sells.

  9. To clarify I think the blend is at least 60% sugar.

  10. the mexican coke in the new york area might be that way, but the massachusetts coke is definitely still cane sugar. the mexican coke here says its bottled by "bebidas mundiales" which apparently only uses cane sugar. check if the ones in new york say the name of the bottler, and also do all yours say sugar and/or hfcs? because the ones here never do

    1. Good to know, I'll look next time I'm out.

      I think this is important, though: Regardless as to whether or not Mexican Coca Cola has real sugar, it tastes better. It tastes so much better than American Coke, HFCS or not.

    2. i quite agree but even mexican coke is somewhat inconsistent in taste but not as bad as america coke
